Why Spring Break in Europe is *Chef’s Kiss*
Museums, cafes, jaw-dropping views, history for centuries, taste-bud-exploding food, and amazing nightlife? Spring break in Europe is everything—and HAS everything.
When I studied abroad in France for a semester back in college, I traveled to Berlin, Prague, and Budapest for spring break with a few other girls in my program. Europe has so much to offer, and we wanted to see as much of it as possible, so we started with a week in Eastern Europe.
We kicked things off in Berlin, where we wandered the beautiful Tiergarten Park, saw the moving Holocaust memorial and what’s left of the Berlin Wall before diving into the city’s absolutely wild nightlife scene. In Prague we visited the Old Town, walked along the Vltava River, and downed so many pints of Czech beer. And after a memorable ride on an overnight sleeper train to Budapest, we checked out the thermal baths, inhaled chimney cakes, and partied at the ruin bars. It was a perfect mix of culture, sightseeing, and letting lose that we were all looking for after our midterm exams (that were conducted in French, by the way).
My point is, I highly recommend rethinking your plans to visit Miami for spring break (they’re so over it, anyway) and heading across the pond instead. If I haven’t convinced you yet, here are a few more reasons why you should visit Europe in the spring for your mid-semester vacay.

There’s culture out the wazoo
We're talking infinite art museums like the Louvre and in Paris, the Uffizi in Florence, the Prado in Madrid, and the Tate Modern in London. More delicious food than you could possibly eat (but you can try)—gelato, croissants, fresh pasta, tapas, giant pretzels, fish and chips, stroopwafels...my god I’m drooling. When I tried traditional Hungarian chicken paprikash in Budapest, I loved it so much I taught myself to make it at home, and it’s still one of my favorites. There’s no shortage of cultural experiences in Europe, from gawking at historic monuments to interacting with locals to learning how to ride public transit in different cities.

You can bust out those language skills
High school German a little rusty? Wanna practice your Italiano on some real Italians? Or maybe you just have an urge to start learning Icelandic from the ground up and start chatting with a few locals. Welp, you’re not gonna be able to do that in Fort Lauderdale! A trip to Europe will give you the opportunity to immerse yourself in a country’s culture, so go ahead, order that cappuccino at the cute cafe in Rome—just make sure it’s not after 11am, your waiter will not be impressed.
This trip is SUPER fast paced—plane, bus, club, another club—but man do you get your money’s worth. You see and learn SO much in a week and a half and meet so many fun, cool people. Don’t forget to allow some time to roam the cities on your own because you never know what you’ll find.
The locals are out and about
Summer in Europe is super popular, and for good reason—the weather is gorgeous. It’s also peak travel time, so you might wanna think about visiting during your spring break. You won’t have to wait in too many lines at restaurants, museums and cafes, and plus, in the spring you’re more likely to interact with locals, who tend to head off on their own vacations during the summer. All major perks.

Spring break prices are legit
Another perk of Euro travel for spring break are the prices. Since there aren’t as many tourists, you’re more likely to come across discounted tickets for all kinds of museums and attractions, and special deals at bars and restaurants.
If you’re into shopping, early spring is great because there are lots of sales. In Paris, les soldes d’hiver, or winter sales, start in January and they are WILD. It seemed like there was a sale sign in every window when I was there.
Oh, and Ubers/rideshares in general—fewer people means less demand which means fares will probably be cheaper.
Last spring break I went to Iceland with EF Ultimate Break and it was the trip of my dreams. I saw the northern lights, glaciers, and so many beautiful frozen waterfalls.
The temps are...temperate!
Europe in the spring can mean anything from chilly, rainy days to beautiful sunny ones, but when it’s good, it’s gooooood. And you know what they say about rain in the spring—it brings on the flowers! Everything starts to bloom and it’s just truly a magical time. And although the weather might not be super predictable, if you do your research ahead of time and prepare with the right clothes (layers are key!) and a good umbrella, you’ll be ready for whatever Mother Nature throws your way.

We have the trips
EF Ultimate Break makes traveling to Europe for spring break incredibly easy. The hardest part is choosing where to go. Perhaps a little pretzel/pasta/fondue action in Germany, Italy & Switzerland? Or maybe chasing waterfalls and petting tiny horses in Iceland is more your speed. You could also dive into the culture of just one iconic city, like Munich or Rome, and live like a local for a week. Whatever spring break trip you choose, we’ll handle all the details—you just need to show up to the airport.
Spring is one of the best times to visit Europe, and how convenient is it that your vacation falls right in the middle of it?! I absolutely loved the trip I took to Eastern Europe for my spring break in college—I still talk about it like I was there yesterday. If you’re looking for a different kind of spring break experience, go to Europe. You’ll have zero regrets—and probably a ton of gelato.
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