Stay-Fit Travel with Gold Medalist DeeDee Trotter
Because going on vacation doesn’t mean you can’t still work on your fitness.
Even though you’ll walk a LOT on an Ultimate Break trip, we wanted to give some tips for not breaking your workout routine. That’s why we’ve enlisted help from our BFF and three-time Olympian, gold and bronze medalist DeeDee Trotter. DeeDee travels all the time as our EF Olympic Ambassador, so she knows a thing or two about improvisational exercise. Check out her suggestions for staying fit on the road here!
Got a bed? Do some quick inclined push-ups! For an extra challenge, reverse it!

Do some overhead squats using a backpack. If you really want to feel the burn, sit back into a chair.

Using your suitcase as support and your backpack as a weight, try some arm rows.

Find an open space for some sit-ups and crunches.

While you’re down there, work on your core with fire hydrants, alternating elbow-to-knees, and plank holds.

As you can see, you don’t need a gym to stay in shape. Who knows? Maybe you’ll even cancel your membership and stick to stein curls. Whatever the case, eat all the gelato and pasta you want—you’re on vacation, dammit, and fitness is still very much possible.